My world of imaging

Posts tagged “Martin Graeham Dunn

Event Photography meets Portrait Photography

On Sunday 12th December 2010 Martin Graham Dunn will be hosting the first of a series of training days exclusively for members of the ‘Event Photographers Society’ at his base in Victoria House, Leamington Spa.

Each program will focus on different aspects and skills essential to running an effective and profitable quality business.


The first program is entitled “Challenging Yourself” and will cover a variety of subjects. It is important to not that there are a maximum of 12 places available on any of these days on a ‘first come, first served basis’. When we are oversubscribed I will arrange a repeat of this event.

During an action packed day we will cover:

Studio Lighting made simple, Lighting an event with a ‘Speedlight’ solution and Radio Poppers, Using Computer Printed ‘Freedom Cloth’ Backgrounds, Building a set, Bridging the gap between Event & Portrait Photography, Fun ways to pose Teens, A touch of ‘Nik Software’

This will be a practical day where you will shoot and be appraised on the go. Look at it as a working ‘photo clinic’ where you have immediate access to solutions!